Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Vennie's AdVenture, Day 4

Good Morning! Vennie's cooking early!!!!!
Bon Appetit!
Chicken Soup with Sweet Potato, Onion, Broccoli, Carrots, and Celery.

Vennie hugs her first man of the day. She likes them with hairy backs.
And then she found herself another lawyer. Unlike day 1, this one has a small practice. But he advertises on TV with the moniker "We are here to serve you."
Back home, and Vennie receives Ian, a Gentleman Caller.
However, Ian quickly deserted her in lieu of the dogs. Here, he's trying to teach Sunny how to use the dog stairs, aka "Stairway to Heaven."
And, unlike Laura, he is successful in the venture! From this point forward, Ian is to be known as "The Stairmaster!"
Happy smiles all around signifies a job well done.
Come evening, and Vennie is at Slimmons, exercising her heart out.
She insists that it's only water in the bottle.
Look at this! Dana's "Exit" sign has not been replaced. Slimmons. You can check in but you can't check out.
And once again, happy smiles all around signifies a job well done.
Thirty posts in thirty days. This is day 19.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been saying silent prayers that you would go tonight. (I mean last night..I've lost track of time now) I'm so glad you went and had that smile on your face.

Oh how I miss you girls.

Ian..Wow..Congrats with Sunny!

Laura, I miss you and so glad you are having fun with Vennie.

Love you all


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