Monday, February 22, 2010

Ok, a short one here...

It's all so darned hard.  And I am still posting here daily too.  I don't know how.

We're moving Anne's furnishings into her new apartment on Wednesday.  We are hoping to get her things and affairs settled, and her into her new place early next week Time will tell.

Eric is trying to get an appointment for Miles at the doctor for earlier than next week.  I'd really like to see it happen if it's possible.  Miles is doing absolutely fine, but it would be a relief to know what the results of the tests were, and also that he's getting the best possible treatment.  Also, that would clear next week out to settle Anne into her new apartment.

I broke my glasses today.  Fortunately, I had to go down to Cedars anyway to pick up a prescription and the two year warranty on the ""Titanium", you just can't break it" glasses was only 9 months old.  Given that the gentleman who owns the store didn't even flinch when I showed up, I have a feeling that I may not be the first to break them.  And I did warn him when I bought him that I'd be back.  He thought I was kidding at the time, even though - while laughing - I warned him that I was not.

Lots of beading tonight.  Rather than work on anything for a client, I worked on a medicine pouch that I will probably sell if anyone is willing to put up that much money.  VERY detailed work, very slow work.  I needed something that would take my mind off of everything.  But this is going to be an extremely valuable piece, a very expensive one too.  Not something that just anybody is going to be willing to afford.  Might be good exposure if I can get it on one of my "celeb" friends for a TV appearance or the Red Carpet.  Sometimes those opportunities are worth the labor and effort of making this stuff.

Tomorrow I need to walk the dogs a long way.  Poor Lucy was into my beading the whole evening.  In the end, she got her nose in the wrong place and the very sensitive nose leather was accidentally stabbed by a Glover Needle.   If you don't know what that is, it's an especially dangerous sharp needle that pierces through leather like it's butter.  It hurts to have it pierce any skin, and the poor dog bled.  She hasn't been willing to come close to me since.  But I'm willing to bet that she will be back in the morning.  She's currently asleep on the sofa.

I am posting this just after midnight and back dating it.  I think, given the stress of the time, that will suffice.  I will post again tomorrow, probably with a pic of what I was working on tonight.

Hopefully a happier post.  Tomorrow will be the last stress free day until after the issues resolve.  The good news is that the major ones should resolve themselves for the time being next week.

28 posts in 28 days.  This is counting as day 22.

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