Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halo Reach: The End!


There has been nothing but trouble in this home ever since the X-box game "Halo Reach" entered through our door.  Fighting, verbal abuse, physical punching and kicking over the rights to play it.  All from children that really are too young to be exposed to it anyway.  Grades have plummeted, attitudes have soured, cooperation has decreased.

Tonight the children had another big fight over this stupid game over which Eric & I tried to arbitrate an answer.  They would not listen.  They continued with the "F" this and "F" that.  But then the most miraculous thing in the world happened.  One child, purportedly the "owner" of the game, removed the disk from the X-box and, instead of her normal protocol of protecting it at all costs, threw it up in the air in an attempt to attack her brother.  I happened to be in the kitchen overseeing the entire argument at the time.

I watched with glee as, as if in slow motion, that disk sailed through the air in oh so delicate an arch, revolving and rotating as it went, reflective surface catching the light in flashes of iridescent brilliance, and then landing between the sofa and the cushion of the same.  And without any rancor at all, I quickly and gracefully walked over to the sofa and I took care of the problem of "Halo Reach" once and for all.

This is one game that will never be inserted into an X-box again.



Adele said...

Drat!!! You could have sold it on Ebay!

Anonymous said...

It looks like you have assumed the Mom role as though you birthed those kids yourself. Congratulations!

Adele said...

Ian told me he is a bit miffed. Apparently he played it while he was over there, and is disappointed it won't be available anymore. Oh well...

Unknown said...

You deserve two buttons or magnets, I'll let you choose Tuesday evening. YOU GO GIRL

Laura said...

Maybe Ian can ask for a copy for his birthday...


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