Friday, April 25, 2008

Injection of Life

Ok, so I haven't been around much lately. I'll fess up. I've been not only busy, but in all honesty, not feeling well either. I may have intimated that on earlier posts... I don't remember. But it's been getting a little intense on and off lately. And I started to worry.

Would this be a critical go-around for me again? How would I handle it? How would everyone around me handle it? How would Eric handle it? He claims just fine but he hasn't seen me at critical mass first hand yet. I wouldn't blame him for running for the hills once he knows what it's really like.

But then on Wednesday night I received a phone call. A very important call. From Dr. V-.

Although I've been in trouble, he was already aware of it from our last appointment. He started me giving myself Methotrexate injections and we were to hope for the best. It would take up to six shots before we might see results. I gave myself my 5th this week. Not only was there no improvement, but things had started getting worse. But I didn't call in. I remember from my father - a physician - that off hours complaining calls from patients about ongoing issues without the possibility of an immediate resolution were just not welcome. I've always told Dr. V- (and all of my doctors, for that matter) that I didn't call them between appointments because I did not want to be seen as a bother. Even when they would protest at the appointment that I should have contacted them earlier. I want them to take my phone calls seriously and know that if I phone between appointments, there is always a good reason. This approach has worked well for me. Except that I've been suffering as of late.

But again, I got the call on Wednesday night. When Dr. V- identified himself, I was shocked. I had not left him a message. So I immediately asked him if I was in trouble and meant it. And he responded that I was not, sounding very excited.

Apparently, a new drug called Cimzia had been approved by the FDA only hours before. He had immediately thought of me and wanted to enroll me in the program. I was his first phone call of the very few patients he had selected to participate.

I saw him today. Signed the papers and was formally educated in the drug and the process. I may get my first dose as early as next Tuesday. And am so hoping that this works.

I feel as if I've gotten a stay of execution.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read this in the rs clubhouse..I really hope it works girl..It would be so nice if they could find something to help you..not the symptoms..but help you...I love you and think of you daily!!! You, Beth, Claudia, and Vennie have given me such silent strength. Hugs and much love


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