Saturday, March 27, 2010

Where Am I?

Sick.  Incredibly sick.

After a week in the hospital, we have a diagnosis, a plan, and unfortunately the plan is on hold while I take several antibiotics for an infection that none of us saw coming.  I have another 10 days of taking it, then there is a waiting period before I am allowed to go for the plan.

The plan?  A new Human Experimentation Protocol.   This one is different than ones that I've taken part in before, in that the others were for "off label use."  This one is for a drug that is so new that it doesn't have a name yet, just a series of numbers and letters.  I have no idea whether it will help or hurt me.

All I know right now is that I am so sick, and my Home Health Care Nurse who was supposed to be at my home today at 3 pm to give me two liters more fluid because I am incredibly dehydrated as well as incredibly sick decided that she couldn't come and is now scheduled for tomorrow at 11 am. 

I am out of bed writing this post only because I just made a trip (groan, another of a multitude of them) trip to the bathroom.  I am so dehydrated that I am not even pishing again.  At all.  I only hope she shows up on time tomorrow.

Now, back to bed, where I feel so ill that I am not even working on anything.  Just laying there.

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