Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thank you, 1-800-Pet Meds

In an e-mail received 10/19/09:

My Reply:

"How is Cosmos doing?" you ask? It didn't occur to your system that if Cosmos had been deleted from the sidebar of my account (and I had presumed from your system) as one of my pets, that maybe he is DEAD DEAD DEAD? And that I deleted him from your system so that I would not have to endure reminders from 1-800-PetMeds to order him pills that are not going to do him any good anymore because he is DEAD?

Thank you, 1-800-PetMeds, for your fantastic system that does not recognize when an animal is taken out of the mix, maybe something bad happened. Thank you for reminding me that after desperately nursing my boy virtually 24/7 for eight months (and yes, literally day and night... I had to get up several times a night to tend to his needs as well as all day, every day), it ended up being for naught. He is dead and gone. Thank you, 1-800-PetMeds.

So you wanted to know how Cosmos is doing? Now you know. Thank you for asking.


And their response 10/20: Form e-mails # 1

and #2

How about it 1-800-PetMeds? Why is it that your system doesn't just automatically update? And in your second e-mail, you can't even bother to ensure that his name was spe
lled correctly? This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

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